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Registration/Signing Contract/Signing Contract
Signing Contract
Last updated 2022-02-14 16:29:41

Certification & Contract

1. Go to【Account】at the bottom left corner or you can click 【complete】button.

2. Fill in your account information and qualification information.

* Account information

* Basic Information

To be submitted (Please NOTE that all the information you enter here will appear on the executed contract.)

* Financial Information

Please check carefully as incorrect financial information may result in significant delays in payment.

* Contract Information

a. Please make sure that the person referred to here has the right to sign the contract with CSJ.

b. Please make sure that this is a mobile number that could receive SMS verification.

c. Please note that an e-signature invitation will be sent to this email inbox to sign the contract/agreement.

Then, you will receive a notice that qualification verification has been submitted successfully.

3. System will generate a contract and sent to signee s email within/in 5 minutes.

4. Click【VIEW DOCUMENT】and Sign the contract via DocuSign. The contract should be counter-signed and be available on the platform within 24 hours.

5. Once the contract status updated to【Effecting】, you have finished all steps. Congratulations! You can always download the contract from the CSJ platform.

You can always download your contract from the CSJ platform.

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